Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Fall so far

Fall is my favorite time of year. I absolutely love when the hot weather breaks (well only at night here), but you can sense that change is coming. The smell of fireplaces at night and the sight of pumpkin spice lattes at Starbucks make my heart sing. I just love knowing that all of my favorite holidays are quickly approaching and two months of school is under my belt. (By the way...school is absolutely insane-teaching all day straight exept for a 20 min lunch period in which I use to prep and grade and usually have students in my room!) I pretty much wing everyday. I am hoping that my kids are learning. I try to bring a passion to teaching content, but come on...chemistry is not really a desired concept for 16 year olds.

So first up is Halloween. This year, Davis is going to be James Dean and Shea Bear is going to be Audrey Hepburn. It is going to be a Halloween pulled straight out of pop culture from the past! I can't wait to post pics! Shea wanted to be a princess...go figure, but mommy got her way since she does the online shopping.

Then my BABY GIRL turns five! How can that be? Beautiful Bears is growing up and what a smart, sassy crazy woman I am raising! (after all she is my child...would you expect anything less?) When asked what she wants for her birthday she tells me that she just wants her whole family together. All her grams and gramps, aunts and uncles and cousins...and in that statement she is truely sincere.

Next up...Thanksgiving. I CANNOT wait to get family time with everyone and Nikki, A Lynn and U Steve will be here. Of course we are going to really miss Max and Leigha, but HOORAY for cousin time with nikki six. YES YES YES!!!

Then Christmas/Channukah (I still have no idea how to spell that) Oh seeing the joy that the kids have at that time and the family time we get...I love every minute of it...spending money is also a plus. And it will be Taylor's very first Christmas...so fun!

Davis turns two. Ugh I just "popped him out" as Shea states it. My baby boy is growing as well. He loves animals and most importantly he loves his mommy and still clings to me :) Another thing that makes my heart sing.

Finally New Years. Another year! 2013...crazy!

More change on the horizon...

Amy is steadily recovering. She takes positive baby steps everyday. She has a long road to travel, but she is on her way. She is strong and still fighting for her life. I love her and really miss her! My heart both rejoyces and hurts for her everyday. I hope that I can go see her again sometime soon.

Davis will be getting glasses. Turns out, baby boy can't see very well. He looks super cute, but man keeping those suckers on him...whew..It's going to be a fight.

This fall so far we have been enjoying high school and ASU football games and just went to my friend Candice's wedding. Candice made a beautiful bride and the wedding was a good time with friends.

Enjoy these candids from the past couple weeks.


Bears supporting her bears

Dini's first shave

cousin love

sleepy puppy


What a beautiful back drop

two of the four...missing Annie and AMY!!!
Beauty of the day: friends. I love my friends. I have so many different friends. I have childhood friends, dance friends, school friends, teaching friends, family friends, Howie's friends that are now my friends. Friends have shaped the person I am today. You all have allowed me to feel comfortable to be my crazy self and develop into Kendra with a full yet spunky soul. Thank you

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