Thursday, August 16, 2012


I am SOOO OH SOOO tired. Here was my day yesterday:

No Sleep (not even an hour b/c of sick baby boy)
Alarm goes off at 5
Hurry and get Shea Shea ready for school (oh and myself I guess...too tired to care...not sure if I even put deoderant on)
Stumble into Bashas to get coffee.(I need at IV of coffee btw)
Make it to school just before school 7
Rush Shea to class and kiss her goodbye
Run back up to the office and go to a 7 am meeting (late)
Bell rings at 7:20 to start school
Teach 2 1/2 hours
Lunch Meeting
Bell rings, teach four more hours
Tutor a kid for 10 min after school
Another meeting at 2:30
Rush to get Shea at 3
Drive home
Get her dressed for dance and spend 10 min with D
Take Shea to dance for an hour
Come home and eat dinner
Park time for a half hour
Bathe D and S
Bedtime for Davis and Shea
Pass out

Are you kidding me?

Good night

Beauty of the day: my bed

PS-Please pray for little Hunter to remain strong and heal quickly. Please also pray for Linz's strength!